Programming Microsoft's Certification Renewal is Brilliant Microsoft's certification renewal process has me very impressed and pleased.
Programming AWS Secrets Manager vs. SSM (Systems Manager Parameter Store) Understand the core difference between AWS Secrets Manager and SSM
Programming Featured Debugging Azure DevOps YAML Builds and Deployments One simple YAML task in Azure DevOps can write out your Powershell environment super quickly.
Programming Azure Cloud Shell PSCloudShelUtility Failure Azure Cloud Shell works. Except when it doesn't - then you go nuclear.
Technology I Bet Azure DevOps Is an Afterthought to Microsoft Now Azure DevOps feels incomplete in weird ways, and I think I know why.
Programming Microsoft Professional Program for DevOps Part 2. Part 2 of my review for the Microsoft Professional Program for DevOps
Technology Microsoft Professional Program for DevOps Part 1. Does Microsoft deliver with it's renamed and slightly revamped "degree" program? Part 1 of my review.
Programming A Quick Write-Up of 'A Tour of Go' Playing around with Go again is enjoyable and a fun exercise for any back-end developer.